Servicios Jurícos Integrales en Extranjería
Como abogada especialista en Extranjería, tengo un amplio conocimiento y experiencia en la tramitación de: permisos de residencia, renovaciones, visados, recursos y todo lo que involucre procedimientos de extranjería Madrid. Mi compromiso es ofrecer un servicio de calidad y personalizado.
Muchos años de experiencia y multitud de casos satisfactorios me avalan.
Top Verdicts & Settlements
Legal support of entrepreneurial activity is the key to successful business development
Spinal Cord Injury
$5,000,000 settlement for a 64 year old man who suffered a spinal cord injury and brain injury in a collision with a commercial truck.
Accident Causing Amputation
$7,400,000 was obtained for a man who suffered crush injuries as a result of being struck by a front-end loader at an industrial facility.
Verdict for Amputation Injury
$8,500,000 jury verdict to 37 year-old employee who lost his hand in a machine at work because his employer failed to ensure adequate safety procedures and safety guards to prevent employee injury.
Medical Malpractice
$4,900,000 settlement for a patient in a case involving the misplacement of a central line into a patient’s artery instead of the vein resulting in repeated strokes that caused permanent injury.
Wrongful Deaths Caused By Arson
$6,500,000 settlement for the death of ten people in an apartment arson fire due to inadequate security.
Wrongful Death
$4,875,000 settlement due to the death of a 30-year-old woman who underwent an intrathecal injection and subsequently developed bacterial meningitis due to a droplet contamination.
Our Partnerships
We Work With the Best
Never expected to get such a powerful theme for this little money! It’s a pleasure to work with, seems it just guesses my thoughts!